Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Where are you from? Are you French?

Today while talking to our new friend Rich at the "Phones for U" store, his coworker thought we were french, which is quite odd!  When we explained that we were from America, Amanda and I found ourselves sharing a little bit about culture in the states.  They were a little let down when we explained that no, Americans/american colleges are not really like American Pie or Van Wilder.  Furthermore, we talked about pop culture, toliets, and the food portion differences between the two countries.  I guess I should really start where I left off.  Monday night, close to the entire school joined in the school choir.  Here we sang several new songs.  It was really fun, and for just 1 hour of practice, we sounded great!  Here is a link to someone singing one of the songs we learned :)  Amanda and I also started getting worried about the minor details for our trip to Germany (tomorrow).  Last night we spent time in the library looking up anything and everything we could find and translating it to english.  We are a good team, amanda does all the directions and transportation and I work with what exactly we do/see when we get there!  We have both been feeling a little disconnected from the real culture in england seeing as we are cooped up in the manor house living with mostly americans.  Therefore, after classes got done on Wednesday, we hopped the coach and headed into town for another visit in Grantham.  Amanda and I visited the supermarket, ASDA, which is comparable to our walmarts.  Here we picked up granola bars, tolietries, and I got a watch so i can actually know what time it is here!  They had a escalator thingy that was actually a ramp you could use to take your cart to the second floor.  Also, I've discovered they have sales tax (VAT) but it is added into the advertised cost (unlike in america).  From here, we tried to get lost in the town.  We walked along the river and saw some fisherman who were fishing with these really long poles.  Along the river we spotted some swans that we fed granola bars to.  They were beautiful!  From here we walked by the catholic church and I even got to see an elementary school being let out for the day :)  We stopped in again at the phone store and requested suggestions for dinner (or tea which is what they call in it England).  They sent us down the street to a restauraunt/pub called Atrium.  Here we had fish and chips and something new, mushy peas.  The mushy peas looked like baby food but they were actually really good!  Overall today was relaxing and a nice change of pace.  I'm excited/nervous for my trip (in less than 24 hours we will be on our way!!)  I will update you all on my adventure when I return :)  Off to Deutschland!!

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