Tuesday, April 5, 2011

London- Round III

Last weekend Amanda and I set out to London to meet up with one of her high school friends and show her around the city.  We did a lot of the same things as before, but here is a little description about the things we did while visiting.  It was an absolutely GORGEOUS weekend--no rain which is not normal!
Camden Town- We went bargain shopping here and found some cool clothes.  We grabbed some dinner and sat by the canal to eat it.
Oxford Street- We took Nicki here to introduce her to Primark.  Primark was crazy busy, but not the busiest I've seen it!  We found some great deals and I picked up some more 1£ sunglasses to replace the ones I broke in Spain.
10 Downing St.- This is where the Prime Minister lives so that was kind of cool.
Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace- Wow there was a LOT of people there.  The crowd was quite overwhelming, but we got to see the famous ceremony that was full of fanfare. 
Portobello Road- The street where the riches of ages are sold.  Anything and everything a truck can unload, are sold by the barrel on Portobello Road! This is the largest street market in the world and they sing about it in the classic movie "Bed Knobs & Broomsticks."  It was pretty awesome, I bought a cool vintage necklace and some frozen yogurt (it is just sooo good!).
Oh and we ran into a interesting guy in the lobby of our hostel who used tarot cards to read our fortune.  It was free, thank goodness because apparently my life is so confusing that it isn't really in the cards.  We had a laugh though and pretty much tried to avoid him the rest of the weekend

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