Thursday, March 17, 2011

A little bit of everything (it's been a while)

So it's been a REALLY long time since I blogged last but I haven't been on any major trips so it's hard for me to remember!  Following are a few short blurbs about what I've been up to in the last two weeks.

Nottingham: On a Friday free from classes, Shelby, Amanda and I caught the train to Nottingham for a day of shopping and Robin Hood.  Here we discovered the BEST store ever-Primark!  It has super cheap clothes and it's cheaper than even walmart shopping (even with the exchange rate!)!  It was bliss :)  We shopped to our heart's content and worked to complete out "english" wardrobe.  Mine still needs work, but I found some great stuff to wear on our new tradition, "Dress Up Wednesday."  We started trying to dress up for school on wednesdays just for fun.  Except this last wednesday we all dressed down due to the British Studies test that afternoon.  Somehow taking a test in sweats is just more comfortable than doing so in a dress ;)

A frolic about the manor: Last week was probably the most sunny week we have had so far!  It was absolutely brilliant!  The picture on this blog is from one of our days of bliss outside.  We took walks down the drive, ran around barefoot, and did cartwheels (or I attempted anyway lol). 

Nottingham University: On one of our Wednesday afternoons we took a free school trip to Nottingham Unie.  Here we walked around and enjoyed their scenic campus and their busy library.  It was pretty cool to see students like ourselves in a real college setting in England.  It was similar, but also quite different.  There were way more students in the library so maybe they study more? lol

A night at the Greg: Last weekend we got a big group of friends to walk out to The Gregory, a pub just down the driveway of the manor house.  The Gregory is named after Gregory Gregory who built Harlaxton manor.  It was a fun night of laughs and conversation.  On the way back Amanda and I saw a frog which was cool.

School work: Lately I've felt pretty busy with school.  I had my research paper about John Donne due on the same day I had to present in British Studies about the role of women in the Industrial Revolution.  I still have a ton to read and then just this past wednesday we had a really hard British Studies exam.  The semester is winding down though really soon which is crazy!

St. Patrick's Day: We had a fun celebration after the test for british studies to celebrate St. Patrick's day in the school Bistro.  Here we listened to irish music and drank things with green food coloring in them.  It was pretty fun and a nice break from the stress of studying for the exam.

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